TV Show Stereotypes #2 A Continuation!

Hello welcome again, we are continuing from the last post, and talking about Breaking Bad once again. I’ve watched more of the show and been introduced to Gus, a very powerful drug lord who runs his business very cleverly. He is an African American character, who sells drugs to people worldwide, using Walter’s formula for meth. This feeds into the stereotype that Africans are useless to society, usually falling into a life of crime due to being degenerates. Now, Gus is by not means useless or dumb as he is an intelligent character in the series, being a really good antagonist for Walter and Jesse to overcome. This doesn’t make him unwatchable as I didn’t really mind it because he is such a good villain. Or course, this does kinda build upon the thought of blacks being a danger to society and scary to see as the character has an intimidating presence. Many blacks have been shot or killed due to them being deemed “threats” when really they are not. This show feeds that thought of them being dangerous just a bit but that little bit can make a big difference. In the end though, the show is still one of the greatest, so don’t let that stop you from enjoying it.


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