TV Show Stereotypes #9: Return to Total Drama

Hello once again and this time we are going to continue to talk about Total Drama as it does contain many stereotypes. This time we are going to talk about the character Lindsay, who is the dumb blonde stereotype. She is, of course, very beautiful in the show as many other characters talk about how good looking Lindsay is. She is also dumb as the stereotypes states as she can’t remember her boyfriend’s name, and interprets instructions very poorly. This is used to great effect in Total Drama, as one of the other female characters, Heather takes advantage of her stupidity to make her an ally, so she can get ahead in the competition, despite treating her badly. Lindsay doesn’t recognize this for most of the show’s run, seeing Heather’s meanness as a sign of their friendship. Near the end of the show, she does see that Heather is evil but by then it’s too late and she is out of the competition. Overall, the show used the stereotype to make an entertaining character, and that is okay as it isn’t overly offensive. Total Drama is still a good series, and it’s worth at least watching some of it.


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